Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Other creations

Ask and you shall receive! A few people have asked that I post entries about my crafts along with my baking and cooking. I will start doing that. The link below is to my "creations" album in Facebook.



Gluten Free is the way to be!

Over the past few months, I discovered that I had Celiac Disease (CD). Never in my dreams would I have ever imagined how much gluten could affect my body and my health. It was like night and day. I don't want to bore you or freak you out with my past and present nightmares of CD so we will skip it and move on to the important stuff.

How does one, who has baked all their life, drastically change the science and ingredients of baking in order to make it Gluten Free (GF)??

I was hesitant to do my first batch of anything in fear that it would taste awful. I have had my fair share of GF and Vegan goodies and they have been..... interesting...... but not my cup of tea.

So we start off simple. Chocolate Chip Cookies. That should be easy right?! WRONG! Even the simplest recipes need to be carefully examined. Is your baking powder GF? How about your vanilla extract? Well, I went to whole foods and made sure all my stuff was quality and GF.

Mine came out slightly flat but still chewy and delicious. It also had a crunchy consistency on the outside and they were a hit with my taste testers. SUCCESS!